Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tonight at Sunset

Out toward Canyon Lake you can watch the sun set over the mountains. Just beyond these hills is the city of Mesa Arizona and beyond that is the 5th largest city in the country, Phoenix. Here are a couple of shots from tonight's mini-adventure.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Album displayed at trade show

One of my high school senior albums was selected for display at a recent photography trade show. I was contacted by my publisher (PCL-West) and asked if they could show the album. Of course I was quick agree. Here are a couple of shots of the album on display.

(Click to enlarge of course)

If you know Hayli, you can ask her to show you the full size album.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My new friend Stu

I have a good story to tell. If you read it, read it to the end - there is a happy ending.

Stuff like this doesn't happen very often. Early this year I purchased a very nice tripod from Midwest Photo Exchange at the Imaging 2009 convention in Phoenix. I drove in - next time I go I'll take the Valley Light Rail...

Within a couple of uses one of the legs on the tripod would not extend. I emailed the company twice about it, but received no reply. Bummer. A few times since them, I warned people away from the company.

Fast forward to yesterday...

In response to an email advertisement I received, I sent a note to the company indicating my sad experience with them and that I could not recommend them either to my fellow photographers or my photo students. Interestingly my email went to the owner of the company, Stu, who replied to me. Several email messages were exchanged and Stu was very apologetic and sorry for my misfortune. The proof of his sincerity was in his sending me a replacement tripod, no questions asked, no receipt needed.

Needless to say, I am very impressed. Poor customer service seems to be a hallmark of the Internet culture. This is not the case with Midwest Photo Exchange as I have been happy to discover.

My new friend Stu shared his personal email address with me and has asked that I share it with my friends and students, who are encouraged to contact him directly with photo equipment needs. I believe that he is a good person and that my previous experience was an anomaly.

Add Midwest Photo Exchange to your list of preferred vendors (www.mpex.com) and send Stuart a note if you need something. He may be able to help you out, particularly if you are a friend of mine.

Stuart Appelbaum: stu@mpex.com

It feels good to have a nice story to report.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nice & Easy Wedding Moments

I'm putting together a wedding album (takes forever; I spend a lot of time on each imgae), going down the list of photos selected by the bride, and I came across some I had not looked at closely before. I posted just image earlier today, but as I move through them, I find more that I really like and wanted to post.

(click to enlarge)
This may be my latest favorite photo.

(Click to enlarge)

I wish you could see this one large and on my very nice monitor. I knew these were good shots, but I'm falling in love with them all over again. I find that I'm painting these more than just developing them in the software. This shot needs to be about six feet tall - Really!

(Click to enlarge)

These guys were good dancers. In fact, the groom cut loose for a solo performance that had everyone in jaw-dropping amazement. I loved this more intimate moment on the dance floor.

(Click to enlarge)

I don't know how I overlooked this one before. It's really quite good. I fiddled with it a little in Photoshop, but very little, almost nothing. Considering what else I might to to it, I concluded - nothing. It's just a straight-ahead, no tricks, great photo. I really like it. Sometimes simple and unadorned is best.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Steve & Stacy

One of my favorite places to shoot - the Wright House. These guys look great!

About Me

My photo
Queen Creek, Arizona, United States
Here is where I post images from recent shoots and occasional personal info that I like to share with my friends. I will slowly add photos from old shoots as I have time. Check back from time to time to see what's new. Call or email if you'd like to chat about a photo opportunity. If you've come to visit, please just leave a brief comment. You don't have to like the photos, just let me know you were here. I'd really appreciate it.