Friday, July 8, 2011

Martin Howey - the Audie Murphy of cycling

I've been after Martin for some time to come in to the studio with all his cycling medals. He is the most highly decorated cyclist probably in all cycling. He's a modest man and wouldn't say anything about all these medals. I happened to spot them in a pile in his office after he'd moved in to his new house and before he could hide them away.  You can see his state champion jersey here and the yellow one below is the Overall Champion jersey from the Huntsman Senior Games.  I think he has several of them.


  1. Fantastic light! I love your lighting style.

  2. These pics of my dad are great. You did a really good job Bruce. He is such an amazing man.


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Queen Creek, Arizona, United States
Here is where I post images from recent shoots and occasional personal info that I like to share with my friends. I will slowly add photos from old shoots as I have time. Check back from time to time to see what's new. Call or email if you'd like to chat about a photo opportunity. If you've come to visit, please just leave a brief comment. You don't have to like the photos, just let me know you were here. I'd really appreciate it.