Monday, August 30, 2010

Logan Utah Temple

Click to enlarge.

This is one of my favorite temples as far as architecture goes.  The best vantage was from this perspective (sounds a little redundant - apologies to my English language loving friends), but there were telephone poles and wires running across the face of the temple.  It took a bit of time, but I was able to remove the obstructions.  I quite like how it turned out.

Sun sinks in the west

After a family shoot last night, I stayed on location for a few minutes to get a shot for me.  One for thee and one for me.  After six years here in the desert, I must admit that I'm gaining an appreciation for the rugged beauty that is only a few miles from our humble little home.  I titled this one - San Tan Sentinel.

Click to enlarge.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Idaho Falls Temple

It was a very cold morning when I made this shot.  I arrived in Idaho Falls the night before and did a few night shots.  In the morning, snow was falling, but just a dusting.  You can tell that its winter in this shot, but you can't tell just how cold it was.  The ducks in the river didn't seem to mind it at all.

Sky, stone and water - all eternal elements.

It was so cold that night.  This Arizona boy was glad for glad for gloves, even if it meant clumsy handling of the camera.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Brigham Young Academy

Built in 1892 this building served as the campus of the Brigham Young Academy, which later became Brigham Young University. The building fell into disrepair, but has recently been renovated and is now the Provo City Library. It's a grand old dame along the Wasatch Front.

Luisa - at night.

Rebekah - something new, I think you're gonna like it.

Rebekah - up close and personal. Find the full-screen button below (bottom right) and zoom with your mouse wheel.

Mt. Vernon panorama

President George Washington called this estate home.  If you've never had the chance to visit it, I encourage you to put it on your itinerary next time you're in Virginia.

Click the full-screen button (below right) and zoom and pan with your mouse.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday night and the monsoon winds threaten.

But that doesn't dampen our efforts - we found a hole in the weather, but just barely.  The storm was pounding people just south and east of us.

You could call this "Electric" blue and not be far off.

Kenzie the happy gaffer.  You can thank me again tomorrow Kenzie - remember the alternatives.

Luisa - Looking Lovely

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Enchanting Emily

We hear good things about this young lady.  She's coming off the market, so to speak.  Congrats to Emily.

Don't mess with her dad.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

More Buck & Luisa

Ha, this is sort of retro, but I think it's retro-cool.  I have a studio here at my home and access to a large studio for large groups.  In the summer, photos in the climate controlled studio are, well, cool.

Quiet Corner in Queen Creek

Photographed just a few hours ago.  As always, click to enlarge.  I made this
one just a little larger than most, click it and click it again.

Sometimes I get lucky and stumble on a really interesting shot.  This is one of those.  The photographer shouldn't really say too much about his or her photos.  It should be left up to the observer - beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, so I won't say much, just that there are a lot of really nice things going on in this shot.  Like I say, I got lucky.  I'm making a large print for myself.  I titled this shot - Headin' Home.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Billy & Caitlin

Beginning their voyage together.

Take my hand...

Do you remember the feeling?

Magic moment.

USS Abraham Lincoln congratulates Billy & Caitlin's nuptials.

San Diego is a nice place for a wedding.

 While waiting for the festivities to begin, I managed to snap a few maritime photos.

Pelican on short final - USS Abraham Lincoln, San Diego

Thursday afternoon and the fleet's in, way in.

Makes me want to sail away.

Monday, August 2, 2010

About Me

My photo
Queen Creek, Arizona, United States
Here is where I post images from recent shoots and occasional personal info that I like to share with my friends. I will slowly add photos from old shoots as I have time. Check back from time to time to see what's new. Call or email if you'd like to chat about a photo opportunity. If you've come to visit, please just leave a brief comment. You don't have to like the photos, just let me know you were here. I'd really appreciate it.