Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A walk in the park.

Don't know if the parents intended the great symbolism in their wardrobe choices, but I see poetry here.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Rebekah - one more.

Going through these proofs I picked another one for editing and posting. I wish you could see the subtle detail in the hair that I see on my color calibrated and profiled monitors.

Looking forward to Rebekah and Marc's wedding - should be fun.

Sierra, swinging in the studio

Saturday, June 19, 2010

More Barry & Karissa

Going through the photos from Barry and Karissa's wedding and reception is a great pleasure for me. I remember discovering Karissa's sparkling personality when doing her senior photos. She's just as sparkling and made a beautiful bride. Barry showed himself as a thoughtful and devoted groom. It's apparent they love each other by the way they treat and serve each other. Wishing them all happiness.

The Wright House is one of my favorite venues. It's a beautiful and serene oasis in the middle of the Arizona desert.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two Pears and a Whitney

At the temple shooting a wedding the other day I ran into these three beauties who graciously agreed to "smile for the camera". Keith was kind enough to get close to the girls and turn his white shirt into a field reflector. Thanks Keith - worked out well don't you think?

Just loved Emily's hair in this shot.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ava Arrives

Ava was a trooper during her first "official" photo session. Mom and grandma were attending to her and cheering her on, but she only needed us to stay out of her light. What a sweetie!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I'll be photographing Rebekah and Marc's wedding soon. We went out for a little get acquainted shoot recently and I'll be adding a few more photos here from that session. We ran in to some great light which Rebekah reflected wonderfully. As always, click to enlarge.

About Me

My photo
Queen Creek, Arizona, United States
Here is where I post images from recent shoots and occasional personal info that I like to share with my friends. I will slowly add photos from old shoots as I have time. Check back from time to time to see what's new. Call or email if you'd like to chat about a photo opportunity. If you've come to visit, please just leave a brief comment. You don't have to like the photos, just let me know you were here. I'd really appreciate it.